Hemmi Denkishoin Electronics Engineering
Country of manufacture: Japan, Date of manufacture: July 1972, Date Code: WG
Overall length: 33.8 cm, Width: 4.7 cm, Weight: 123.7 gms
Materials: All plastic; plastic endbraces glued onto back
Cursor: 3.5 X 6.0 X 1.0 cms; plastic runners, plastic lens, adjustable; lines = single hairline, front and back
Scales: 23, no extensions
Front: Neper, dB, L, DF [ CF, CIF, CI, C ] D, A, K
Back: Tθ2, Tθ1, Sθ, R1 [ R2, B, CI, C ] D, SR, TR1, TR2
Gauge Marks: [C (1128), √2, √3, π, 2π, r (5730) ]
Condition: C2 (Mint but no manual)
Came with: Orig. blue/white plastic case